How Long Does Grout Sealer Take to Dry?

As regular readers of the Universeal blog, we hope you’ve found the how to articles on grout cleaning and sealing helpful. If you’ve now successfully grouted your tiles, it’s time to seal them properly. We’ve previously blogged on how to do this, with our instructions on what grout sealer to use in showers and how to seal shower tile grout.

All that’s left to do is to wait for the sealer to dry, but how long do you have to wait? What are the drying times for our grout sealers?

How long does grout sealer take to dry? Universeal’s grout sealer spray will dry between 1 and 2 hours. It is renowned as being one of the fastest-drying grout cleaners available on the UK market, quickly drying in case of the need for a second application.

You’d hate to have your hard work ruined by standing on tiles and grout that haven’t had their sealer dried. This may cause your grout to get unnecessarily dirty or penetrated with water, depending on the location of your new tiles.

buy shower wall tile grout sealerHere’s a little bit more information on grout sealer drying times or you can quickly hop over to our store to see the latest prices on Universeal Grout and Tile Protector.

Grout Sealer Drying Times

If you are waiting for sealer to dry in order to apply another coat, the general wait time is 1 hour. You might have to apply a second or third coat to get the desired performance.

Once your second coat is dry, you can test whether the third coat is necessary by pouring a few drops of water onto the surface.

If the grout is sufficiently sealed, the water should bead up into droplets, if not then the third coat should be applied to ensure quality results.

Once you have applied all the coats of sealer that are required you need to let the area completely dry. Some alternative sealers will need as long as 24 hours to set whilst others need a full 48 hours.

It is important to check the manufacturer’s directions on the label of your sealer just for peace of mind.

How Universeal can cut grout drying times

For a grout sealer with rapid drying protection, try Universeal Grout and Tile Protector. Universeal’s VOC compliant, solvent based grout sealer is designed to deeply penetrate your grout and provide effective protection against oil and water-based stains.

It’s long lasting effectiveness and easy on application make it a great choice for your grout sealing and if you needed any more convincing, it’s suitable on ceramic, porcelain, stone and glass tiles.

Whilst some sealers can take as long as 48 hours to completely dry, Universeal’s rapid drying formula can take as little as 1 to 2 hours which avoids those long inconvenient waits to get back into your kitchen or bathroom.

You can see the product in action below.

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Does Universeal Grout & Tile Protector have a Shelf Life?

The product must be stored in dry cool conditions and can be expected to last up to 5 years from original production date.

Does Grout Expire?

Powdered grout generally expires after a year, whilst epoxy grout can be stored for an indefinite amount of time as long as it is not kept in freezing temperatures.

If you find your grout powder has hard lumps in it, it has more than likely been exposed to water or humidity and you should refrain from using it.